Spotlight Events
2021, 2022, 2023
Joining together for integrity and anti-corruption
Corruption is criminal, immoral and the ultimate betrayal of public trust.….We must hold leaders to account….A vibrant civic space and open access to information are essential. And we must protect the rights and recognize the courage of whistle-blowers who expose wrongdoing….As an age-old plague takes on new forms, let us combat it with new heights of resolve.”
UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, Statement on corruption in the context of COVID-19
Global Integrity Day, 9 June 2023
Faith-Based Champions Fighting Corruption--Sharing Stories and Strategies
Faith-Based Champions Fighting Corruption--Sharing Stories and Strategies
Spotlight 1: Pastor Taba Ebenezar Tata in Cameroon
Update--Read the summary of the initiatives that were done HERE (two pages). Watch one of the radio programs --available on request (20 minutes). Contact:
'Thanks very much for letting me know about Global Integrity Day. These are the activities I will be doing to create awareness.
1. I will be producing a few T-Shirts with the theme of the year on them [Make every day and integrity day] and wear it with others on that day. [18 May update--There are also hats now available with the GID theme--see the one-minute video greetings about the new hats HERE]
2. I will buy time on two radio stations, where I will be on the air live in the morning and evening to talk about the objectives of GID."
3. Read Pastor Ebenezar's short, inspiring story about one of his first experiences confronting corruption in a church. HERE
Spotlight 2: Perceptions on Corruption from Faith Leaders in Latin America
Joint webinar on 9 June 2023 (one-hour) by Tear fund and the Faith and Public integrity Network to commemorate GID-9 June. The focus is on a recent study about corruption perceptions among Christian leaders in Latin America. 14:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) RSVP here to receive the join link. This is a public webinar and please feel free to share about it with your colleagues and networks. Update--You can access the Executive Summary of the study HERE--in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French. On the Tear Fund site you can also access the full report and a leaflet and animated video (five minutes) that communicate the key findings of the report.
Spotlight 3: Member Care Associates, Inc. Member Care Update (June 2023) (image, above center) This monthly Update featured four materials focusing on integrity--maintaining and shining our moral light witout hypocrisy. There are two articles by Kelly and Michele O'Donnell, forged in large part from their experiences in the Christian church-mission sector, and two resources for speaking truth to ourselves and others: Tim Keller's podcast on integrity and Phillip Parham's book of daily meditations for recovery.
Spotlight 4--You!: Affirm someone you know (or know of) who is acting with integrity. Use GID as a special occasion to encourage them!
Spotlight 5--Featured Resurces: See this section below for GID 2023 (two items per month). For example, one of the items for August 2023 is the new film on child sex trafficking, The Sound of Freedom.
International Anti-Corruption Day, 9 December 2023
Theme--UNCAC at 20-Uniting the Word Against Corruption
Theme--UNCAC at 20-Uniting the Word Against Corruption
Spotlight Events (featured by GID)
--Faith and Public Integrity Network (8 December 2023)
The Role of Christians in Fighting Corruption
Presented by Dr. Jun Vencer
--Global Integrity Network (9 December 2023)
Integrity--Basic Christian Identity
Based on the conference in Sofia (August 2023)
Global Integrity Day, 9 June 2022
Integrity and Corruption in the Health Sector --Moral Health for a More Whole World
Spotlight Events--Five on-demand video-webinars! (featured by GID)
Integrity and Corruption in the Health Sector --Moral Health for a More Whole World
Spotlight Events--Five on-demand video-webinars! (featured by GID)
Spotlight Event 1. Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Health Care: Why Do We Speak So Little About Them? (13 December 2021).
This is a one-hour webinar with Dr. Marius Ungureanu, organized by the Faith and Public Integrity Network.
Spotlight Event 2. Contributions for Moral Health from Peace Psychology (7 November 2018).
A 25 minute presentation by Dr. Kelly O’Donnell during Geneva Peace Week, held at the United Nations.
Spotlight Event 3. Breaking Vicious Cycles of Dirty Money and Impunity (4 December 2020).
This is plenary 4 from the 19th International Anti-Corruption Conference (90 minutes with Q and A)--create a free account to access.
Spotlight Event 4. Integrity and Anti-Corruption on the Frontlines (30 April 2022).
Five interviews with advocates from around the world organized by Lausanne-WEA Global Integrity Network (about 20 minutes each).
Spotlight Event 5. The Use of Technologies for Battling Corruption (free e-course available online from 9 May-June 20--in Arabic and English). United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)--create a free account to access.
Click HERE for more information and resources for these spotlight events.
International Anti-Corruption Day--9 December 2022
Theme--The UNCAC at 25: Uniting the World Against Corruption
(United Nations Convention Against Corruption)
Spotlight events for UN International Anti-Corruption Day
Spotligt Event 1. Uprooting Corruption, Defending Democratic Values, International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC), 6-10 December 2022, Washington DC. There are 60 workshops and 7 plenaries scheduled. See the Washington Declaration--11 Summary points from the Conference. "During these 4 days of deliberations and debates we identified new ways to root out corruption and promote more accountability, integrity and transparency around the globe." Note 7 Feb: All the events were livesreamed for free. The 7 plenaries are now also available to watch on the IACC website and the 60+ workshops are en route .
Spotlight Event 2. Overcome Evil with Good: Integrity Overccomes Corruption. Global Integrity Network (GIN). Online Conference-Webinar, 10 December 2022, broadcast at two different times: 9am Manila time and 9am New York time. Click HERE to register. This spotlight event is organized by GIN Lausanne Movement--World Evangelical Alliance. There are three three toics: Global overview of corrruption, Interventions by the Church, and Personal examples. Watch the archived recording HERE Note: There is a follow up "Virtual Cafe" on Saturday, 17 December to provide more informal time for interaction.
Spotlight Event 3. Films4Transparency: "This year’s Films4Transparency programme focuses on the indispensable role of a free and independent media in the fight against corruption. We present eight powerful documentaries from around the world each with an urgent story to tell, all engaging with one of the conference’s global challenges: Defending the Defenders." Note that these films weree shown at the IACC (6-10 December 2022) and not all of them are available to watch or rent online.
Global Integrity Day--9 June 2021
Corruption and Poverty
Unite for integrity--Live in integrity! #GlobalIntegrityDay
Special Spotlight Events
1. Faith and Public Integrity Network
Global Integrity Day: Courage against corruption during COVID
Featuring the work of the Association for a More Just Society-Honduras (ASJ)
Note: The ASJ project being focused on is one of four winners of the World Justice Challenge 2021.
9 June 2021, 10am EST (one hour event). Videos/audios and the two power point presentations HERE.
See also the GID website for other special events.
2. Transitional Policies for Poverty Alleviation: Thriving during International Crisis (8-9 June 2021)
UNITAR and the Geneva Institute for Leadership and Public Policy (GILPP)
3. Global Leadership Transformation VII (7 June 2021).
Global Leadership Geneva-Bern and United Nations Christian Association
4. United Nations General Assembly Special Session Against Corruption:
"Challenges and measures to prevent and combat corruption and strengthen international cooperation"
(2-4 June 2021; 10:00-13:00 and 15:18:00 EST, everyday). Livestreamed and archived on UN Web TV.
--Also see the 80 minute High-Level Supporting Event with Civil Society and UN presenters, 3 June 13:30-15:00:
Addressing Corruption in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Archived video HERE.
--Also see the Political Declaration was unanimously adopted during on day one: "Our common commitment to effectively addressing challenges and implementing measures to prevent and combat corruption and strengthen international cooperation."
5. When the Best Is Corrupt: Strategies for Living In Integrity
Lausanne Movement and World Evangelical Alliance, Integrity and Anti-Corruption Network
Conference--2 hours: 1 May 2021--See the link above to access the presentation videos and materials.
Examples: Living a Life of Integrity, Practicing Integrity in the Church, and Promoting Integrity in Society
See also
Climate-Conflict-Corruption: Safeguarding People and the Planet
Global Integration Update (July 2021)
International Anti-Corruption Day, 9 December 2021
Spotlight events for UN International Anti-Corruption Day
Click here for information on the UNODC's six week anti-corruption campaign.
Theme: Your right, your role: Say no to corruption, 9 December 2021
1. Integrity: Fighting the Evil of Corruption
9 December 2021, 9am--11am (New York Time)
Organized by the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Network
Lausanne Movement-World Evangelical Association
Update--presentations available HERE
2. Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Health Care:
Why do we speak so little about them?
13 December 1:00pm Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
Organised by the Faith and Public Integrity Network
Watch the one hour recording of the webinar HERE