GID Themes:
Reflections & Resources
2024--Human Trafficking
Global Integrity Day 2020
Confronting the Corruption of Racism
Love truth, peace, and people.
Reflections and Resources
We are standing in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the USA and all around the world who are fighting the corruption of entrenched racism as well as the many forms of exploitation including massive human rights violations, gross inequalities, and pervasive multi-dimensional poverty. You must not be forgotten and forsaken. In new ways in the coming days, we call on us all to not only demand change and work for change, but to be the change ourselves. And in the process, to respect and uphold the values which underlie democratic societies, including the promotion of "social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom" (Preamble, UN Charter).
Reflections and Resources
--Letter from a Birmingham Jail (16 April 1963), Martin Luther King, Jr. One of many important principles/quotes: "Human progress never rolls in on wheels of inevitability; it comes through the tireless efforts of men willing to be coworkers with God, and without this hard work, time itself becomes an ally of the forces of social stagnation. We must use time creatively, in the knowledge that the time is always ripe to do right. Now is the time to make real the promise of democracy and transform our pending national elegy into a creative psalm of brotherhood. Now is the time to lift our national policy from the quicksand of racial injustice to the solid rock of human dignity. "
--UN IASC Statement on Racism and Racial Discrimination in the Humanitarian Sector
(10 September 2020)
--A Love Note. Erin Noëlle, 17 June 2020. IG: @erinnoelle.22
--World Federation for Mental Health: "Condemns all form of racism and calls for an end to inequalities, racism, and police brutality." (8 June 2020) Read the full Statement here.
--Is Racism Part of Our Reluctance to Localise Humanitarian Action? (5 June 2020). Hugo Slim, Humanitarian Practice Network
--American Psychological Association: Action Plan for Addressing Inequality (2 June 2020)
See also the website section with various resources We Must Unmute
--Seven Ways You Can Step Up for Racial Justice Now, Global Citizen (2 June 2020)
--Another One Dead (May 2o20). Song by Kolton Harris, Ryan Parker, and Jeden Williams. Background on the song here.
--Healing Racial Trauma, Hope and Resilience Blog, Psychology Today (25 May 2020). Features an interview with Sheila Wise Rowe and her book, Healing Racial Trauma: The Road to Resilience (2020)
--Anti-Racism Resources compiled by Sarah Sophie Flicker and Alyssa Klein (May 2020)
--The Color of Compromise: The Truth About the American Church's Complicity in Racism (2019), Jemar Tisby. Watch the book trailer here.
--Between the World and Me (2015). Ta-Nehisi Coates "But all our phrasing—race relations, racial chasm, racial justice, racial profiling, white privilege, even white supremacy—serves to obscure that racism is a visceral experience, that it dislodges brains, blocks airways, rips muscle, extracts organs, cracks bones, breaks teeth. You must never look away from this. You must always remember that the sociology, the history, the economics, the graphs, the charts, the regressions all land, with great violence, upon the body.” (page 10). Two-minute video/excerpt from book read by the author HERE
Global Integrity Day 2021
Corruption and Poverty
Multi-dimensional probity to end multi-dimensional poverty
Reflections and Resources
--"End poverty in all its forms everywhere."
Sustainable Development Goal 1
--"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages."
Sustainable Development Goal 3
--"Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels."
Sustainable Development Goal 16
--"Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms ."
Sustainable Development Goal 16.5
--"Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels ."
Sustainable Development Goal 16.6
Probity for poverty? Absolutely! That is, probity to confront corruption and its impact on poverty.
Probity: “The quality of having strong moral principles; honesty and decency” (Oxford Lexico)
One of the main hindrances blocking the fuller realisation of the Millennium Development Goals was the devastating human and environmental impact of corruption in all its forms. The same is true for the Sustainable Development Goals now, 2015-2030. So what do you think:
To resolutely "end poverty in all its forms everywhere" (SDG 1) how can we "substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms" (SDG 16.5)? How can multi-dimensional probity (integrity at all levels: individual, institutional, international) help to end corruption's devastating role in multi-dimensional poverty?
Think of this in terms of the 2.6T for the 1.3B. That is, the estimated $2.6 trillion dollars stolen annually via corruption (2018, WEF) and its impact on the estimated 1.3 billion humans living in multi-dimensional poverty (2018, UNDP). Note: add an additional $1 trillion/year for the estimated bribes.
Is it appropriate (and empirically supported) to incentivize integrity? Or do we "integritize" incentives? (that is, integrity, like love/altruism, is its own reward?)
For example:
"El dinero alcanza, cuando nadie roba--There's enough money when no one steals." President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele's election platform. To which we add:
--"Y nadie roba cuando...And no one steals when...?
--la integridad alcanza...there is enough integrity--living consistently in moral wholeness."
(including widespread social and personal norms that reinforce integrity)
--"Y cuando...And when...etc."
The Costs of Corruption (UN Secretary-General Guterres' message for Anti-Corruption Day 2018). "Every year, trillions of dollars - equivalent to more than five percent of global GDP - are paid in bribes or stolen through corruption.”
Corruption Perceptions Index 2020 (2021). Transparency International. (Arabic, English, French, Russian, Spanish). Highlights HERE. "The index, which ranks 180 countries and territories by their perceived levels of public sector corruption according to experts and businesspeople, uses a scale of zero to 100, where zero is highly corrupt and 100 is very clean. Like previous years, more than two-thirds of countries score below 50 on this year’s CPI, with an average score of just 43. The data shows that despite some progress, most countries still fail to tackle corruption effectively. The top countries on the CPI are Denmark and New Zealand, with scores of 88, followed by Finland, Singapore, Sweden and Switzerland, with scores of 85 each.The bottom countries are South Sudan and Somalia, with scores of 12 each, followed by Syria (14), Yemen (15) and Venezuela (15).”
Seeking Justice throughout Honduras--Interactive Map. Click the previous link to watch: Turning on the Lights for Justice (3 minutes). " investigation into Honduras' national electric company...the poor are the ones fronting most of that cost." Beyond the Badge--Police Purge in Honduras (mini-documentary, 16 minutes). See also Transforming Education in Honduras (3 minutes). Association for a More Just Society (ASJ): Honduras and USA.
Our Anti-Corruption Pretense "How poor countries indulge in rituals of fighting corruption even when it is the glue that holds things together." Andrew Wenda. The Magazine (Uganda) 13 December 2021.
Social determinants of mental disorders and sustainable development goals: A systematic review of reviews. Lund et al., (2018). The Lancet: Psychiatry (5)4, 357-369. "The aim of this study was to develop a conceptual framework for the social determinants of mental disorders that is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, to use this framework to systematically review evidence regarding these social determinants...comprising demographic, economic, neighbourhood, environmental events, and social and culture domains." Note: This key review is relevant for confronting corruption because poverty influences mental health and corruption influences poverty.
The True Cost of Global Corruption. "Graft results in lost tax revenue, but it also takes a social toll." (September 2019). Finance and Development, International Monetary Fund. "Curbing corruption can be a daunting task, but it is necessary to restore public trust in government. The fight against corruption can also bring significant economic and social gains over time. It starts with domestic political will, continuous strengthening of institutions to promote integrity and accountability, and global cooperation." (concluding paragraph)
Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity (2012) Katherine Boo
"The effect of corruption I find most underacknowledged is a contraction not of economic possibility but of our moral universe....It is easy, from a safe distance, to overlook the fact that in undercities governed by corruption, where exhausted people vie on scant terrain for very little, it is blistering hard to be good. The astonishment is that some people are good, and that many people try to be - all those invisible people who every day find themselves faced with dilemmas [of survival and of injustice]" (pages 253-254).
ONE “is a global movement campaigning to end extreme poverty and preventable disease by 2030, so that everyone, everywhere can lead a life of dignity and opportunity. We believe the fight against poverty isn’t about charity, but about justice and equality.”….“Every year developing countries lose $1,000,000,000,000 — a TRILLION dollars — through a web of shady and corrupt activities that involve phantom firms, money laundering, and illegal tax evasion. That’s money that, if recovered and taxed, could be invested in healthcare or education in the poorest counties. Instead, it fuels inequality and instability, keeping millions of people in developing countries trapped in the cycle of poverty.” (website)
United Nations Convention Against Corruption, Civil Society Coalition. “The UNCAC Coalition is a global network of over 350 civil society organisations (CSOs) in over 100 countries, committed to promoting the ratification, implementation and monitoring of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). Established in August 2006, it mobilises civil society action for UNCAC at international, regional and national levels. The Coalition’s office is registered and based in Vienna, Austria.” (quote from website)
Why Can't Grace Go to School? EXPOSED Campaign (advocacy video, 2014)
Corruption is closer to home than you might think - or admit.
Global Integrity Day 2022
Integrity and Corruption in the Health Sector
Moral Health for a More Whole World
Reflections and Resources
Linking the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Poverty SDG 1-Health SDG 3-Corruption SDG 16
--"End poverty in all its forms everywhere."
Sustainable Development Goal 1
--"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages."
Sustainable Development Goal 3
--"Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels."
Sustainable Development Goal 16
--"Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms ."
Sustainable Development Goal 16.5
--"Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels ."
Sustainable Development Goal 16.6
--Integrity in the health sector and government—Decisive faith-based input! “England's former Health Secretary, Sajid Javid, says he first thought about leaving Boris Johnson's Conservative government a week ago. What resolved him to quit, he told the BBC's Sunday Morning show, was hearing a sermon on integrity at a prayer breakfast in Parliament on Tuesday." Read the story at BBC News, 10 July 2022
--Great example of what can be done to investigate-confront and prosecute-punish corporate financial corrupton (with adequate resources and resolve)! "Glencore pays more than $1 billion in four-agency settlementThe Swiss commodities trader admitted paying bribes throughout Africa and South America in settlements with four agencies in the US, UK and Brazil. Corruption probes in Switzerland and the Netherlands, however, continue." Global Investigative Report 25 May 2022. See also the Summary from the Department of Justice (DOJ)--US Attorney's Office in the Southern District of New York as well as this two-minute video announcement and overview by the DOJ " one, not even multinational corporations, is above the law."
--COVID Care: Reflections and Resources (updated February 2022). Member Care Associates. "Pandemics, like many crises, bring out the best and the worst in us--our selfless and our selfish qualities. The reality of the uncertainties and anxieties of life, and indeed survival--existential risk--is heavy upon the world. Positively, the current COVID-19 pandemic certainly provides plenty of opportunities for us all, individually and collectively, to reflect on the types of people we want to be, the types of societies we need to build, and the types of changes we have to make.
We acknowledge that there are different views about this pandemic including how best to manage it and future health emergencies via science, public health policy, human rights principles, and international cooperation. We also note that the many overlapping, problems in our world continue unabated--shadow pandemics--even as this covid pandemic dominates the center stage globally: multi-dimensional poverty, protracted violence, human rights violations, gross inequalities, racism, mental ill health, environmental degradation, etc. This is the ongoing, cascading context--full of challenges and opportunities--for relentlessly pursuing sustainable development and wellbeing for all people-peoples and the planet."
--Dark Patterns--BBC Documentary, 30 minutes, aired on 16 February 2022. This podcast episode deals with the practical and psychological "tricks" for intentionally designing manipulation and exploitation into websites. Corruption is ubiquitous and "solutions" are elusive. In view of this year's GID theme, have a listen to consider how these dark practices can influence your own "choices," mental health, and overall wellbeing. And that of the public. We see this "intentional trickery" as yet another major example of the challenges for 'substantially reducing corruption in all its forms'--as per Sustainable Development Goal 16.5--including the systemic-business cultures of corruption into which we are immersed every day via the internet!
Episode description."Trying to cancel some online accounts can be a maze of searches and false hopes, multiple clicks through a puzzle of seemingly unrelated destinations. This is what has become known as a 'dark pattern'; complex web design that makes it hard for you to do something the website does not want you to do, and employs behavioural psychology to make you do things it does want you to do. It is just one of the techniques used to make us click, buy or subscribe..."
Healing Moral Injury: Reflections and Resources for Wounded Souls (March 2022) Member Care Update. “In this Update we overview moral injury--an area which is gaining increasing attention across disciplines (e.g., psychology, theology, medicine) and sectors (e.g., humanitarian, health, military). ‘Moral injury is the suffering [we] experience when we are in high stakes situations, things go wrong, and harm results that challenges our deepest moral codes and ability to trust in others or ourselves. The harm may be something we did, something we witnessed, or something that was done to us. It results in moral emotions such as shame, guilt, self-condemnation, outrage, and sorrow.’ Moral Injury--Volunteers of America” ...[The materials are] divided into three sections: definitions, descriptions, and recovery...[Have] a look at this very good and brief overview, "Moral Injury: The Effect on Mental Health and Implications for Treatment" in the The Lancet--Psychiatry (Volume 8, Issue 6, 1 June 2021, pages 453-455).” This Update is oriented towards the international Christian and health communities and is also relevant for colleagues from all backgrouunds.
--The Ignored Pandemic (2019). Transparency International (TI). “Universal health coverage, meaning that all individuals and communities can access essential quality health services without suffering financial hardship, has become the top priority of the World Health Organisation. Achieving the ambitious goal of universal health coverage will require more resources, and the better use of existing resources. At the same time, efforts to achieve universal health coverage are being significantly undermined by widespread corruption in frontline healthcare service delivery. Corruption in the health sector kills an estimated 140,000 children a year, fuels the global rise in anti-microbial resistance, and hinders the fight against HIV/AIDS and other diseases. Unless the most harmful forms of corruption are curbed, universal health coverage is unlikely to be achieved.” You can access additional TI publications on corruption and health HERE
--Reinforcing the Focus on Anti-Corruption, Transparency and Accountability in National Health Policies, Strategies and Plans (2019). World Health Organization and UKaid. “The top strategic priority for the World Health Organization (WHO) is to support countries to progress towards universal health coverage. To achieve this aim, WHO supports countries to develop health policies, strategies and plans aimed at increasing access to quality health services for all, without people needing to suffer financial hardship in paying for them. Corruption causes significant losses of public money and may impede the ability of nations to make evidence-based policy choices and build consensus on the most effective approaches to transform health systems as part of the universal health coverage agenda. Corruption in the health sector has high costs both in terms of lives lost and resources wasted. Researchers estimate global average annual losses from health care fraud and error to be 6.19% of total expenditures, amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars (Gee & Button, 2015). Corruption is also a significant predictor of child mortality and other negative health outcomes. One researcher calculated that 140 000 child deaths per year are attributable to corruption, more than those caused by Ebola, cholera and rabies combined (Hanf et al., 2011) Recognizing that corruption may slow progress toward achieving universal health coverage, WHO Member States and development partners are working to prevent and control corruption (Mackey, Vian & Kohler, 2018)....”
--Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Health Care: Why do we speak so little about them? Webinar on 13 December 2021 organised by the Faith and Public Integrity Network. Link to watch the one hour recording of the webinar HERE.
--Perilous Medicine: The Struggle to Protect Health Care from the Violence of War (2021). Leonard Rubenstein. "Bringing together extensive research, firsthand experience, and compelling personal stories, Perilous Medicine also offers a path forward, detailing the lessons the international community needs to learn to protect people already suffering in war and those on the front lines of health care in conflict-ridden places around the world.”
--Global Integrity Day: Courage against corruption during COVID. Faith and Public Integrity Network. This weinar on 9 June 2021 featured the work of the Association for a More Just Society-Honduras (ASJ) an also included a short overview about global Intitatives for integrity and anti-corruption. Videos/audios and the two power point presentations HERE.
--The World We Want: Actions Towards a Sustainable, Fairer, and Healthier Society. A Short-film Trilogy, produced by People’s Health Movement (PHM), supported by Prince Mahidol Award Conference, 2022 Film I. Building Equitable Health Systems. “The first film records the voices of community health workers and health care professionals and health rights activists from across the globe, on the learning’s from the COVID pandemic for the design of healthcare systems...” Film II. Rethinking the SDGs.… in the Pandemic Aftermath…“The second film shines a spotlight on the Sustainable Development Goals - in what political economic context and what unequal power relations they arose and have continued to perpetuate...” Film III. Post-Pandemic Global Economics. Re-structure, Reform or just Re-vitalize. “The third film delves into the hegemonic, extractive and grossly unequal economic model, which prevails today...[and] underscores the need for a transformative shift...premised on fairness and justice that would ensure human survival...”
--Corruption and Mental Health: Evidence from Vietnam (May 2021). Smriti Sharma, Saurabh Singhal, and Finn Tarp. Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization. Highlights: "We examine the relationship between exposure to local corruption and mental health in rural Vietnam. Using two datasets, we find strong and consistent evidence that petty corruption is positively associated with psychological distress. Suggestive evidence that a recent anti-corruption campaign had significant positive effects on mental health. There may be substantial psychosocial and mental health benefits from efforts to reduce corruption and improve governance."
--Anticorruption in the Health Sector--Strategies for Transparency and Accountability (2010). Edited by Tara Vian, William Savedoff and Harald Mathisen. “[This book] brings practical experience to bear on anticorruption approaches tailored specifically to health. The contributors, all skilled practitioners, address the consequences of different types of corruption and show how agencies can more effectively address these challenges as an integral part of their development work. Both practitioner and classroom-friendly, this book finally addresses a neglected issue that has so much bearing on global health and governance.”
Psychological Insights on Integrity and Corruption
--Healing Moral Injury: Reflections and Resources for Wounded Souls (March 2022). Member Care Update. One of the featured resources is "Moral Injury: The Effect on Mental Health and Implications for Treatment" (The Lancet--Psychiatry, 1 June 2021).
--Mistakes Were Made (but not by me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Behaviors (2020, 3rd edition). Caroll Tavris and Elliot Aronson. See the Table of Contents, Preface, Introduction, and Chapter 1 in the Amazon book preview.
--Moral Disengagement: How People Do Harm and Live with Themselves (2016). Albert Bandura. See this short overview of Bandura's "eight mechanisms of moral disengagement."
--The Social Psychology of Good and Evil (2016, 2nd edition). Edited by Arthur Miller. See the Table of Contents, Introduction-Overview, and Index in the Amazon book preview.
--Health for Peace: Contributions from Peace Psychology. This is a 25-minute presentation by Dr. Kelly O’Donnell given during Geneva Peace Week, held at United Nations (7 November 2018). It overviews a) the field of Peace Psychology and its relevance for peace and wellbeing and b) three psychological processes that can interfere with moral health: cognitive dissonance, the bystander effect, and intractable conflicts. You can access the power point HERE and the video HERE. Note that “moral health” is a crucial part of human development and wellbeing and hence its inclusion in this year’s GID spotlight.
--Positive Psychology--resources. “Positive Psychology is the scientific study of the strengths that enable individuals and communities to thrive. The field is founded on the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within themselves, and to enhance their experiences of love, work, and play.” Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania. Also see the related materials from the Authentic Happiness website including free self-assessments for wellbeing, character strengths-virtues, etc.
Global Integrity Day 2023
Faith-Based Champions Fighting Corruption
Sharing Our Stories and Strategies
Reflections and Resources
Sustainable Development Goal 16
--"Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms .
Sustainable Development Goal 16.5
--"Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels ."
Sustainable Development Goal 16.6
Note the SDG Indicators, Metadata Repository and information on SDG 16,
especially these indicators related to corruption: SDG 16.5.1. and SDG 16.5.2
Eight Reflections
1. “It seems to me that most of the people that we would consider to be ‘champions’ of integrity and anti-corruption--be they faith-based or of no particular faith--are either not aware that they themselves are champions or would never consider themselves to be ‘champions.’ And furthermore, very likely they would not want others to refer to them by this term. Rather, they see themselves as common people who are merely doing their duty and the right thing, ordinary citizens who are just trying to do good, even if there are some risks.
What is true of our affirmation of colleagues in Global Mental Health (GMH) is also true for colleagues in integrity and anti-corruption: 'We acknowledge, with much appreciation, that many of the developments and directions in GMH are being shaped and implemented by colleagues out of the spotlight, on the ground, in the trenches—often unrecognized and under-funded. Thank you for your commitment and perseverance!' ‘All that is gold does not glitter.’ Tolkien"" O'Donnell, Eaton, Lewis O'Donnell (2021) Kelly O’Donnell, 31 March 2023
2. Being Interfaith-Based: Doing Better Together. Global Integration Update (April 2023). “An estimated 7.1 billion of the world’s 8 billion people have a religious affiliation—7 out of 8 people. It's the majority world. Hence it makes sense that people of faith are and should be ubiquitously present at the global community tables and in the local community trenches—including collectively—on behalf of sustainable development and wellbeing for all people and the planet... Note that faith is not simply a component of a person’s identity which can be strategically leveraged on behalf of an important issue or agenda. Rather, for many it is the core of their human identity from which compassionate actions flow. Further, faith-based identity is often foundational for people's commitment to living as global citizens—embracing a deep, shared sense of belonging, identity, and responsibility that impels us towards doing better together.”
3. Faith and Protection--United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Dialogue on Protection Challenges (12-13 December 2012). Taking place at the UN Geneva, this event highlighted the important role that faith-based organizations and local religious communities play in protecting asylum-seekers, refugees, the internally displaced and stateless people. Some 400 people attended the event, including representatives of UN member states and inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations as well as faith leaders, representatives of faith-based organizations, inter-faith experts and academics.” Note for example the materials and perspectives available online still from Islamic, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist, and Catholic leaders.
“But of course UNHCR is not a faith-based organisation. Yet when I came here, I soon discovered in its work exactly the same principles that are enshrined in my own beliefs. And I also realized that the values of caring for those in need were equally shared by all major religions. This is of fundamental importance for refugee protection.” Opening remarks by Mr. António Guterres, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (12 December 2012) Note for GID 2023 application--many of the principles that enshrine confronting corruption and living in integrity are shared by all major religions.
4. "Faith, multilateralism, and public policy are the crucial ingredients for effective engagements to save us from ourselves because most of the crises we see today are self-inflicted wounds and we must find ways to heal them." Opening presentation by Mr. Nikhil Seth, UN Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNITAR at the 8th Interfaith Dialogue at the UN Geneva (10 February 2023)
5. Morality Undergirds Civilized Living Together--Why ethics trumps technology in the quest for peaceful co-existence. Thomas Lee, PhD, 18 February 2023. "Unfortunately, few would acknowledge that humans have become slaves to Technology. Fewer still would care that appropriate use of technology requires a commitment to Morality that undergirds civilized living together, helping one another in sustaining peaceful living on earth. No surprises that people, especially politicians and corporate honchos, resort to lying and deception to achieve their personal ambitions. No surprises that corruption through greed rots rampantly through the core of character that once had cherished pristine integrity. If we wished to restore dignity to our governance (in whatever ideological garb we may wear) and secure trust as the only ground of serving our mutual self-interests, we must go beyond the know-how of methods and skills to the know-whys and wherefores of the underlying reasons and ethics of our endeavors."
6. Fratelli Tutti--On Fraternity and Social Friendship (2020). Pope Francis. “FRATELLI TUTTI”. With these words, Saint Francis of Assisi addressed his brothers and sisters and proposed to them a way of life marked by the flavour of the Gospel. Of the counsels Francis offered, I would like to select the one in which he calls for a love that transcends the barriers of geography and distance, and declares blessed all those who love their brother “as much when he is far away from him as when he is with him”. In his simple and direct way, Saint Francis expressed the essence of a fraternal openness that allows us to acknowledge, appreciate and love each person, regardless of physical proximity, regardless of where he or she was born or lives.” (opening paragraph—and with links to translations into 12 languages)
7. The Global Charter of Conscience: A Global Covenant Concerning Faiths and Freedom of Conscience (2012). “The Charter has been drafted by people of many faiths and none, politicians of many persuasions, academics and NGOs, all committed to “freedom of thought, conscience and religion” for people of all faiths and none. The Charter calls for the cultivation of civility and the construction of a civil public square that maximises freedom for everyone. It provides a vision and framework to help us discuss and resolve our present problems in a constructive, rights-honouring manner. This long-term endeavour is now even more important than it was at its 2012 launch. As human interconnectedness increases with globalisation and online interaction, differences of belief can collide. The Global Charter of Conscience explains principles which will make it possible for human beings to live together with their deep differences.” Summary HERE.
“Keenly aware of the titanic promise and peril of our time, as forms of global interconnectedness reach an unprecedented speed, scale, and scope across the earth, we issue and subscribe to this Charter to address a major world challenge whose resolution will be decisive for the cause of civilization and human flourishing. That is, we address the urgent problems raised by the challenge of “living with our deepest differences” when those differences involve core beliefs, worldviews, and ways of life, and when they are increasingly found within single communities, nations, and civilizations. Our purpose is to set out a vision of the rights, responsibilities, and respect that will be the foundation of a civil and cosmopolitan “global public square,” and the habits of the heart for those who would be “citizens of the world” as well as patriots in their own countries, and so to advance the cause of a “good world” and thus of global civilization over against the forces of global.” Introduction to the Charter
8. On Stupidity (Von der Dummheit) (1943). Dietrich Bonhoeffer. This short reflection by Bonhoeffer (English translation) is introduced by a short note on the Courageous Discourse website. "In 1943, the Lutheran pastor and member of the German resistance, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, was arrested and incarcerated in Tegel Prison. There he meditated on the question of why the German people—in spite of their vast education, culture, and intellectual achievements—had fallen so far from reason and morality. He concluded that they, as a people, had been afflicted with collective stupidity."
Bonhoeffer's comments, in our estimation, continue to be very relevant and are not simply applicable to "bad or dumb people" or to "totalitarian states and despots" in some previous and unenlightened era of human history. It's about the propensity for everyone and always. We are also reminded of G. K. Chesterton's suggestion that despotisms could be the next developmental step for "tired democracies." "As fatigue falls on a community, the citizens are less inclined for that eternal vigilance which has truly been called the price of liberty; and they prefer to arm only one single sentinel to watch the city while they sleep.” (The Everlasting Man, 1925).
Featured Resources
Featured Items--December 2023
Webinars for International Anti-Corruption Day (links en route)
--Faith and Public Integrity Network (8 December 2023)
The Role of Christians in Fighting Corruption
Presented by Dr. Jun Vencer
--Global Integrity Network (9 December 2023)
Integrity--Basic Christian Identity
Based on the conference in Sofia (August 2023)
Featured Items--November 2023:
Confronting Death Industries
Making a Killing: The Global Death Industries and Missionary Response (September 2019) Mission Frontiers "[This issue] focuses on the “death industries,” which are a handful of global industries that together directly result in almost two-thirds of global deaths. The lead editorial gives an overview of the historic connection between evangelicals, revivals, social transformation and addressing evil. It outlines four specific “death industries” which will, in various ways, be discussed in this issue of MF.” Two of the articles:
--The Addiction Industries: Reform Efforts and the Unique Role of Mission Workers
Featured Items--October 2023:
Save the Dates!
International Anti-Corruption Day (9 December 2023)
2023 Theme: TBA
2o years with the UN Convention Against Corruption
International Human Rights Day (10 December 2023)
2023 Theme: Dignity, Freedom, and Justice for All (video HERE)
75 years with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Featured Items--September 2023:
Recent Studies
Study 1--Perceptions on Corruption from Faith Leaders in Latin America (2023). Tear Fund Latin America. "Throughout history, corrupt governance has had a profound economic, social and environmental impact in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC region). This crisis within institutions is taking a heavy toll on public policies and human rights in most countries in the region. For this reason, in 2021 Tearfund decided to carry out research to explore the thinking of the church about corruption and the ways communities of faith might contribute to good governance in the LAC region. This research report concludes that the church must be a prophetic voice, actively speaking out against corruption and challenging injustice in the region. The report offers recommendations from various focus groups on how communities of faith can denounce corruption and contribute to good governance. In addition to the full report and summary, you can download a leaflet and animated video (five minutes) that communicate the key findings of the report."
Study 2--Global Corruption Perceptions Index 2022 (January 2023). Transparency International. "The CPI ranks 180 countries and territories around the world by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, scoring on a scale of 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean). The global average remains unchanged for over a decade at just 43 out of 100. More than two-thirds of countries score below 50, while 26 countries have fallen to their lowest scores yet. Despite concerted efforts and hard-won gains by some, 155 countries have made no significant progress against corruption or have declined since 2012. "
Featured Items--August 2023:
Recent Films
Film 1--The Sound of Freedom--"God's children are not for sale." Angel Studios (released July 2023). "Based on the gripping true story of a man’s mission to rescue children from the darkest corners of the world. This action-packed drama shines a light on the harrowing reality of sex trafficking and the valiant efforts of those who work tirelessly to combat it." Watch the trailer HERE. See also the section on the website at Angel Studios "Join the Fight Against Child Trafficking."
Film 2--Spotlight --"Break the story. Break the silence." (2015). "The film follows The Boston Globe's "Spotlight" team, the oldest continuously operating newspaper investigative journalist unit in the United States, and its investigation into cases of widespread and systemic child sex abuse in the Boston area by numerous Catholic priests. Although the plot was original, it is loosely based on a series of stories by the Spotlight team that earned The Globe the 2003 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service (Wikipedia).
Featured Items--July 2023:
Perspectives on Integrity--Muslim and Christian
The Concept of Integrity for Muslim's Character Based on Al-Ghazali's Ethical Perspective. Mohd Hasrul Shuhari et al. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues 2019 Vol: 22 Issue: 1S “Integrity is one of the moral qualities of humans that needs to be translated into everyday life particularly by Muslim individuals. It also refers to ethic, a principle that is followed daily. A person’s character consists of the combination of qualities that make up his personality, and it is this attribute that motivates a person to avoid something that could cause him to be considered an individual without integrity. The characteristics of a person without integrity include deception, treachery, deviance, corruption, money politics and the likes. These characteristics could be avoided if one adorns oneself with elements of integrity such al-Sidq (truthfulness). Al-Sidq is elaborated based on the thought of al-Ghazali in his Ihya’ 'Ulum al-Din. This article concludes that al-Sidq refers to six definitions which include the word, intent and will, determination and its fulfillment, balance and preference between spiritual and physical practices, and religious maqam (status). It establishes the quality of integrity within Muslim individuals.” (Abstract)
Integrity Podcast (2012). Pastor Tim Keller, Redeemer Presbyterian Church New York.
“We’re going through the Sermon on the Mount and we have Jesus Christ telling us how he wants us to live. He has dealt with the commandment on murder and adultery, and now he’s dealing with the commandment on lying. He’s going to talk to us about integrity, truth, and honesty. We have as big a problem in our culture with this. Therefore, let’s take a look and see what Jesus says about integrity. He gives us the principle behind integrity and tells us something about the practice of integrity. And finally, he hints at a problem we all have with integrity, and how to solve it.” Note: Tim died on 19 May 2023.
Featured Items--June 2023:
Peace and Security through Good Governance (20-22 June 2023 in Geneva). Organized by the Geneva Institute for Leadership and Public Policy (GILPP) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). The theme of the 13th training consultation is "Practical Solutions for Combating Corruption--Improving Systems of Governance--Ensuring Human Rights." “[An initiative of] Global Hope Network Intl., GILPP provides leadership development and justice training to national leaders, law makers, civil society leaders, and private business owners. This training is designed to help move nations toward prosperity and liberty by implementing public policy and rule of law initiatives that ensure transformational community development that has the legal foundation and leadership to ensure long-term sustainability...GILPP supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and believes that helping U.N. Member States achieve the SDGs can be greatly enhanced through the use and adoption of GILPP case studies and strategies.”
Economic, Social and Ecological Ethics. Globethics (4-6 July 2023). “[This three-day online course] is part of the new “World Classes” curriculum from Globethics. “It] focuses on the acquisition of knowledge, competences and skills in the area of sustainable development. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals are used as the underlying rationale to analyse the connection between sustainable patterns of production and consumption, care for the environment, wealth distribution, responsible governance and societal participation. Upon completion of the World Class, you will be able to: Understand the concept of sustainability as an ethical lens for the study of contemporary challenges; Evaluate how economic, social and ecological dimensions inform the international agenda of sustainable development; Classify economic, social and ecological measures within a framework of a sustainable transition process; [and] Create concept for a sustainable transition applicable to your own professional context.”
Featured Items--May 2023:
Huan Rights Defenders-and Martyrs-from Central America
El Salvador--“Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez (15 August 1917–24 March 1980) was a prelate of the Catholic Church in El Salvador. He served as Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of San Salvador, the Titular Bishop of Tambeae, as Bishop of Santiago de María, and finally as the fourth Archbishop of San Salvador. As archbishop, Romero spoke out against social injustice and violence amid the escalating conflict between the military government and left-wing insurgents that led to the Salvadoran Civil War. In 1980, Romero was shot by an assassin while celebrating Mass. Though no one was ever convicted for the crime, investigations by the UN-created Truth Commission for El Salvador concluded that Major Roberto D'Aubuisson, a death squad leader and later founder of the right-wing Nationalist Republican Alliance (ARENA) political party, had ordered the killing.
In 1997, Pope John Paul II bestowed upon Romero the title of Servant of God, and a cause for his beatification was opened by the church. The cause stalled, but was reopened by Pope Benedict XVI in 2012. Romero was declared a martyr by Pope Francis on 3 February 2015, paving the way for his beatification on 23 May 2015. During Romero's beatification, Pope Francis declared that his "ministry was distinguished by his particular attention to the most poor and marginalized." Pope Francis canonized Romero on 14 October 2018.” Wikipedia, Óscar Romero
Honduras--Dionisio Díaz García fue parte del equipo de abogados de ASJ, liderando el programa de derechos laborales de la organización con el fin de proteger los derechos de los guardias de seguridad, mujeres de limpieza y trabajadores más vulnerables de Honduras. En diciembre de 2006, mientras Dionisio Díaz García se dirigía a las oficinas de la Corte Suprema de Justicia para presentar un caso contra una importante empresa de seguridad, unos asesinos a sueldo lo interceptaron mientas se conducía en su vehículo y lo mataron a tiros.
Desencadenada por su trabajo en la protección de los derechos de los empleados vulnerables, la muerte de Dionisio demostró el riesgo muy real que los empleados de ASJ estaban asumiendo en su lucha por la justicia: ser cristianos valientes puede costarlo todo. El personal de ASJ busca honrar el legado de Dionisio eligiendo trabajar diariamente por la justicia en lugar de ceder al miedo. Hasta el día de hoy, el caso contra los asesinos de Dionisio sigue impune. La Corte Suprema de Honduras revocó la condena original del caso y este ha sido apelado ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, donde se encuentra pendiente de revisión. La lucha por la justicia de Dionisio sigue en curso y seguimos buscando justicia por su muerte.” Asociación para una Sociedad más Justa
Featured Items--April 2023:
Confronting the Corruption of Human Trafficking
Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities(JLI). “There are over 40 million victims of human trafficking worldwide. The annual cost of this exploitive industry totals a massive US$150 billion a year, with no country to escape the grips of this human rights tragedy. Alongside global efforts, local faith communities - with their widespread reach and unique community presence – are key assets in countering human trafficking. They play a role in prevention, protection, and prosecution, tenets of a holistic human trafficking response, by supporting the vulnerable, ensuring that systems are just for all and making perpetrators accountable.”
“[JLI's] Anti-Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery (AHT-MS) Hub is a learning community that brings together academics, policymakers and practitioners working on the contribution of faith actors to ending human trafficking and modern slavery. [It] is a collaborative platform that provides understanding for better practices in the effort to end human trafficking and modern slavery.” AHT-MS is one of the many hubs in JLI. See also: Faith and Freedom: The Role of Faith Actors in Anti-Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking (2019, scoping study) which explores “the programs and initiatives of local faith actors in their response to modern slavery and human trafficking in the Global South;” and the Resource Library.
Human Trafficking in Armed Conflicts and Post-Conflict Situations (27 March 2023, webinar recording). Side event during the Human Rights Council, United Nations Geneva. Subtitles in English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese HERE. Power point and other documents HERE. This is the latest international webinar on the human trafficking in light of Laudate Sí and Fratelli Tutti (Encyclicals by Pope Francis). CO-organized by Caritas Internationalis, Secours Catholique-Caritas France, and the Sovereign Order of Malta. “Existing and emerging war conflicts (including, but not limited to, Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, Eritrea, and others) have led to a dramatic development of trafficking. In Europe, the war in Ukraine has contributed to revealing this phenomenon in the country itself, the border countries, and the host countries of people fleeing the fighting. Preventing conditions of trafficking of human beings in armed conflicts and supporting the victims is vital.”
Featured Items--March 2023:
Leadership Integrity and and Involvement
Character, Virtue, and Leadership (17 February 2023, 60 minute video). A conversation with Michael Lamb, the Executive Director of the Program for Leadership and Character at Wake Forest University, organized by the Trinity Forum. One of the main resources featured was the research on Seven Strategies for Character Development “that have been identified through a rigorous analysis of research in philosophy, psychology, education, and other fields.” The strategies range from habituation through practice to friendships of mutual accountability.
8th Interfaith Dialogue at the UN Geneva (10 February 2023)--link is a summary on the UNITAR website). “The Annual Geneva Interfaith Dialogue serves the purpose of commemorating World Interfaith Harmony Week, established in 2010 by UN General Assembly Resolution 65/5, to raise awareness about the value of interfaith dialogue while facilitating the exchange of best practices on how different faiths can contribute to harmony, peace, sustainable development, and towards building more inclusive communities....[This] event convened a diverse panel of Ambassadors, high-level representatives of the world's major faiths, and the International Geneva community to engage on the links between faith, politics, and society....The event consisted of two separate panel discussions. The first panel was entitled ‘Faith and Multilateralism,’ and the second ‘Faith and Public Policy.’ You can watch or listen to the recording HERE.
We especially encourage you to listen to the opening presentation by Mr. Nikhil Seth, UN Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNITAR (from the beginning to minute 11’30”--and worth listening to more than once!). Here is an excerpt: “How do we make [tolerance and respect for religions and human dignity...and caring for our common future] a part of our daily lives?....Faith, multilateralism, and public policy are the crucial ingredients for effective engagements to save us from ourselves because most of the crises we see today are self-inflicted wounds and we must find ways to heal them...The nexus between faith, human rights, diplomacy, and multilateralism of course precedes the United Nations by thousands of years. Religious teachings have laid the foundation of the sanctity of human dignity and value, including for societies’ most vulnerable people, centuries before the modern human rights law was conceived.” Read the text of the presentation is HERE
Featured Items--February 2023:
Resources from Nigeria
Student Against Corruption Project, Student Christian Movement (SCN), Nigeria
"The aim of this project is to eradicate various vices that have become the order of the day amongst the youth while restoring positive values. The project has been ongoing for over five years now starting from 2016." SCN currently runs a network of members in Nigeria in about 40 tertiary education institutions and about 850 secondary and primary education schools. An example of a recent project is the March Against Corruption on 13 August 2022.
Shun Corruption Project, Peace and Justice Initiative, Palace of Priests Assembly, Nigeria
--“Palace of Priests Assembly (PPA) is a faith-based organization established in 2016 that is committed to empowering Nigerians to promote peace and social justice. PPA uses behavior change approaches to prevent and reduce corruption and is a member of On Nigeria’s behavior change cohort.” (Quote from the MacArthur Foundation in reference to their three grants to PPA)
--“The two reports [about the Shun Corruption Project] highlight the organization’s mission, vison, and values and....the victories the organization had in the numerous collaborations across the six geo-political zones of the country in the two years that Church leaders and workers reviewed their thinking and beliefs about the issues of the fight against corruption, engaging in political participation and adding their voices to raising their concerns about social injustice in the country....[They] did not only make history by marching on the streets of the nation to raise their voices against corruption, but they were also for the first time involved in election observation as well as take the initiative to establish social arms for Churches as a way of adding their voices to the campaign for social justice in Nigeria.....[There] are numerous Pentecostal Church leaders and workers who used the three S Model to shun corruption, speak against corruption, and stand against corruption even when confronted with the consequences of their actions. [There] are equally others whose success stories may not have been captured but because they participated, they are worthy of being celebrated. “They are the anti-corruption champions within the fold of the Pentecostal Church which was the primary target of the PPJ led shun corruption project"....How this will impact on the church in the coming years remains to be seen.” (Excerpts from the article on the reports of the Shun Corruption Project (South South International Magazine, 16 February 2021)
Featured Items--January 2023:
Religions--and Psychologists--for Integrity
Corruption-Free Religions are Possible: Integrity-Stewardship-Accountability (2022), edited by Christoph Stückelberger. “This book focuses on the sector of religious institutions. This sector is not often in the focus of anti-corruption efforts but has gotten more attention in recent years due to famous cases and official efforts by religious institutions.... All religions are potentially and — in reality — affected by corruption. All religions are part of the problem, but also part of the solution. Between them, there are substantial differences in the size of the problem and the commitment to solutions. Main factors for these differences are....This book has three objectives: 1. to understand the mechanisms and roots of corruption in religions by analysis and information, 2. to encourage stronger commitment of religious institutions in fighting corruption as core part of their commitment to their faith and values, 3. to strengthen cooperation between people of different faith and religious institutions in order to increase impact in all sectors of society. This book includes twenty contributions from all continents in four parts: A) Values (2), B) Case Studies on World Religions (3-11), C) Praxis: Standards and Procedures (12-18), and D) International Policies (19-20).” (Introduction, pages 11, 13)
A Summons to a Global Integrity Movement: Fighting Self-Deception and Corruption (March 2018), Kelly O'Donnell and Michele Lewis O'Donnell. Lausanne Global Analysis. Link to a copy with a translation tool for 50 languages HERE. 'In this article psychologists Kelly and Michele O'Donnell distill some of the lessons that they have learned over the past 15 years in promoting integrity and confronting corruption. Why is it hard to live up to our moral and ethical aspirations? They reflect on the reality of dysfunction and deviance, highlight the challenge of self-deception, describe anti-corruption resources, and summon the church-mission community (CMC) to a global integrity movement marked by righteousness and relevance. We are the light—or the darkness—of the world!' (adapted from the opening section)
Resources for GID 2023
--Berkley Center for Religion Peace and World Affairs (Georgetown University)
--Faith and Public Integrity Network
--G20 Interfaith Forum, Working Group on Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
(corruption is 1 of 6 topics)
--Global Integrity Network
--PETRA People
--SOPHOS AFRICA --initial stages of development
--Religions for Peace
--The Trinity Forum
--Trinity Foundation--Montoring religious fraud for 30+ years"
--Wilberforce International Institute
EXPOSED Campaign (2013-2014). "EXPOSED was a first of its kind--a truly global Christian response to corruption, supported by Christians from 176 countries, with a thousand public gatherings, close to 150,000 individual signatures, a powerful Open Letter from some of the world's most prominent Christian leaders, representing a billion believers, and a clear engagement with the G20."
Seeking Justice throughout Honduras--Interactive Map. Click the previous link to watch: Turning on the Lights for Justice (3 minutes). " investigation into Honduras' national electric company...the poor are the ones fronting most of that cost." Beyond the Badge--Police Purge in Honduras (mini-documentary, 16 minutes). See also Transforming Education in Honduras (3 minutes). Association for a More Just Society (ASJ): Honduras and USA.
Why Can't Grace Go to School? EXPOSED Campaign (advocacy video, 2014)
Corruption is closer to home than you might think - or admit.
Religions for Peace. "Religions for Peace [among many other areas] have engaged religious communities and institutions to respond to refugees and migrants’ issues, addressing the root causes of violence, chronic poverty, corruption, and climate change. Since 1970, [it] has worked in partnership with UNHCR to form a Religions for Peace-UNHCR Multi-religious Council of Leaders. It comprises religious leaders serving on the front lines in conflict zones, addressing the root causes of displacement, and fostering care and support for migrants and displaced communities worldwide.” Excerpt from the Standing Commission on Promoting Peaceful, Just, and Inclusive Societies (SDG 16)
1—Faith and Public Integrity Network (FPIN)
Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Health Care: Why Do We Speak So Little About Them? (13 December 2021). This is a one-hour webinar with Dr. Marius Ungureanu, organized by the Faith and Public Integrity Network.
Global Integrity Day: Courage against corruption during COVID (9 June 2021). Faith and Public Integrity Network. This webinar featured the work of the Association for a More Just Society-Honduras (ASJ) and also included a short overview about global Initiatives for integrity and anti-corruption. Videos/audios and the two power point presentations HERE.
Faith and Anti-Corruption: A Conversation with Katherine Marshall (Georgetown University) and Roberto Laver (FPIN) (60 minute webinar, 22 March 2021). Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities and Faith and Public Integrity Network (FPIN). Listen to the conversation and the Q/A as two senior level, respected experts discuss the opportunities and challenges for faith leaders and organizations in promoting public integrity and fighting corruption.
2—Global Integrity Network (GIN)
Overcome Evil with Good: Integrity Overcomes Corruption (10 December 2022). Global Integrity Network (GIN). Online Conference-Webinar, Organized by GIN Lausanne Movement--World Evangelical Alliance. Three toics: Global overview of corrruption, Interventions by the Church, and Personal examples. Watch the archived recording HERE.
Integrity and Anti-Corruption on the Frontlines (30 April 2022). Five interviews with advocates from around the world organized by Lausanne-WEA Global Integrity Network (about 20 minutes each).
Integrity: Fighting the Evil of Corruption. (9 December 2021). Organized by the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Network (GIN), Lausanne Movement-World Evangelical Association--Presentations available on the GIN website HERE.
When the Best Is Corrupt--Strategies for Living in Integrity (1 May 2021). A special two-hour conference online, organized by the Lausanne-WEA Integrity and Anti-Corruption Network. The three main presentations: Living a Life of Integrity, Practicing Integrity in the Church, and Promoting Integrity in Society. Video presentations, power points and conference materials HERE.
What to do About Fraud in the Workplace. Making It Work Podcast, Theology of Work Project, Fuller Theological Seminary. “If you suspect fraud in your workplace, what should you do about it? Our guest today, Charles Malgwi, faced this nightmare scenario at his supposed dream job. He navigated through a banking system riddled with fraud to become an expert in forensic accounting. Today, he is a professor of accounting, and he recently won the Gregory H Damian Award for excellence in teaching.” You can also read the transcript below the podcast image-link above.
Written Materials
--Confronting Corruption: Letting the Bible Speak (2018). Richard King.
--Corruption and the Church Voices from the Global South (2018). Martin Allaby.
--Deliver us from Evil:Corruption and the Challenge to the Cristian Faith and Church (2018). Roberto Laver.
Roman Catholic
--Laudate Si--Care for Our Common Home (2015). Pope Francis. "Corruption" is mentioned in paragraphs 55, 172, 177, 179, 182, and 197.
--The Name of God is Mercy (2016). Pope Francis. Chapter 7--"Sinners Yes, Corrupt No."
--Repentance and Reconciliation–The Pope’s Pilgrimage of Penance (August 2022). Global Inegration Updates.
Taming the Beast: Can We Bridle The Culture of Corruption? (2016). Robert Osburn Jr. [This book combines] deep reflection on the human condition with extensive biblical teaching about corruption, bribery, and integrity. Written with a global audience in mind, [it] is designed to spark new conversations about corruption, whether in study groups, university classrooms, in public fora, in the media, business boardrooms and the offices of government ministers. Each of the 12 chapters end with chapter summaries and short study guides. A multi-page appendix offers the latest ideas for taming and tackling corruption, and an invitation to join in an ongoing discussion of best practices for stamping out corruption, while also ensuring the humanity of everyone---offenders and the offended---who are caught in the web of corruption and evil.”
How Might Faith-Based Actors Play a Role in Changing Values and Norms in Corruption? (29 March 2021). Roberto Laver. Leir Institute, The Fetcher School, Tufts University. "The conventional technocratic anti-corruption reforms (such as anti-corruption agencies; new legal and regulatory frameworks on public procurement and access to information; new monitoring mechanisms and new judicial structures), are not producing a real and lasting transformation in the rules of the game, and this is unsurprising to anyone who has grown up in a similar environment of endemic corruption, as I did. While many factors might explain these disappointing results, there is a growing realization that a more positive and broader focus on building values and norms of public integrity is needed to produce a collective shift in behavior."
Corruption-Free Religions are Possible: Integrity – Stewardship – Accountability (2021). Christoph Stückelberger (Editor). “Corruption is abuse of public or private power for personal interests. Paying and receiving bribes in form of money, advantages, nepotism or sexual services exists in all sectors of society. This book with twenty articles from four continents analyses the mechanisms of corruption within religious institutions in Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity. This book contributes ways corruption can be overcome by values, education, good management, accountability, state regulations and interfaith cooperation. A book for religious leaders, lay persons, politicians, educators and all those engaged to overcome corruption.”
Loving Truth and Peace: A Case Study of Family Resilience in Dealing with Mission/Aid Corruption. Kelly O'Donnell and Michele Lewis O'Donnell. Chapter 22 in Family Accountability in Missions: Korean and Western Case Studies (2013). "At the heart of this chapter is the Pace family, four resilient people who refused to ignore an international fraud in the mission/aid community. Names and other identifying details have been changed, and some information is presented in a composite form. We highlight this serious case to provide support for two types of families: mission families, as they navigate expected challenges of mission/aid life (e.g., transitions, culture stress, relationship tensions, child rearing, existential anxiety, and financial pressures), and the broader mission/aid “family” that comprises senders (agencies/churches) and the international mission/aid community, as it works to develop good governance, accountable management, and verifiable transparency. This case study gives cause for both the Korean and the international mission/aid communities to reflect on the quality of their work and its possible shortcomings, on issues of transparency and accountability, and on the challenges facing mission families. It is also a wake-up call to the reality of corruption in our midst and the resilience needed as part of our commitment to “love truth and peace” (Zech. 8:19). "
Corruption-Free Churches are Possible: Experiences, Values, Solutions (2010). Christoph Stückelberger (Editor). “Through case studies, and consideration of religious, ethical and theological principles, Christoph Stückelberger demonstrates the need for churches everywhere to reject corrupt practices and to develop structures that are effective in stemming corruption. It includes 35 specific recommendations to enhance the transparency and accountability of churches and related institutions. Such recommendations address not only practical efforts, but also deeper theological, liturgical and ecclesiological issues. The appendices offer an excellent set of resources, including, for instance, an ethical and spiritual leadership test and a code for responsible leadership.” (pages 7-8)
Corruption: When Self-Interest Comes before the Common Good (2019). Thomas Schirrmacher and David Schirrmacher. (Volume 19 in the Global Issues Series of the World Evangelical Alliance—link for free download) “This book gives a global overview on corruption, describes its different forms and effects and argues how and why corruption should be combatted by all means. It includes more than a hundred of brief examples of corruption from the German speaking countries as well as worldwide.”
Global Integrity Day 2024
Fighting Human Trafficking
Solidarity, Skills, and Integrity
Reflections and Resources
Sustainable Development Goal 16
--"Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms.
Sustainable Development Goal 16.5
--"Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels ."
Sustainable Development Goal 16.6
Note the SDG Indicators, Metadata Repository and information on SDG 16,
especially these indicators related to corruption: SDG 16.5.1. and SDG 16.5.2
"Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres,
including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation"
Sustainable Development Goal 5.2
"Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labor, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labor, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labor in all its forms.”
Sustainable Development Goal 8.7
"End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children"
Sustainable Development Goal 16.2
1. It seems to me that most of the people that we would consider to be ‘champions’ of integrity and anti-corruption--be they faith-based or of no particular faith--are either not aware that they themselves are champions or would never consider themselves to be ‘champions.’ And furthermore, very likely they would not want others to refer to them by this term. Rather, they see themselves as common people who are merely doing their duty and the right thing, ordinary citizens who are just trying to do good, even if there are risks.
What is true of our affirmation of colleagues in Global Mental Health (GMH) is also true for colleagues in integrity and anti-corruption: 'We acknowledge, with much appreciation, that many of the developments and directions in GMH are being shaped and implemented by colleagues out of the spotlight, on the ground, in the trenches—often unrecognized and under-funded. Thank you for your commitment and perseverance!' ‘All that is gold does not glitter.’ Tolkien (O'Donnell, Eaton, Lewis O'Donnell, 2021)" Kelly O’Donnell, 31 March 2023
Featured Resources (usually two per month)
Featured Items--December 2024
International Anti-Corruption Day (9 December 2024) Uniting with Youth Against Corruption--Shaping Tomorrow's Integrity." Our world confronts numerous challenges, tragedies, inequalities and injustices, many of which are tied to corruption. With 1.8 billion young people in the world, fighting corruption is vital for the future of nearly a quarter of the global population. While young people are significantly affected by corruption, they also have the potential to become powerful agents of change in the fight for a future rooted in integrity....Therefore, the campaign for International Anti-Corruption Day 2024-2025 focuses on the role young guardians of integrity play as advocates, raising awareness about corruption and its impacts on their communities. They will actively participate in discussions, share their experiences and propose innovative solutions to combat corruption. The campaign will amplify voices of integrity leaders of tomorrow, allowing them to express their concerns and aspirations, with the hope that their appeals will be heard and acted upon. " (quote from website)
Featured Items--November 2024
15 November 2024 is the first International Day for the Prevention of and Fight against All Forms of Transnational Organized Crime (TOC). Theme--Pulling together to push back: United against organized crime--Organized crime steals, corrupts and kills. "Criminal networks are exploiting global vulnerabilities on a vast scale—from human trafficking to environmental destruction and cybercrime. Organized crime operates across borders, posing serious challenges that no country can tackle alone...Led by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), this campaign showcases success stories where cooperation has led to meaningful progress, from dismantling trafficking networks to promoting sustainable alternatives to illicit economies. Together, we can push back against organized crime and build safer, more resilient communities worldwide." Short video overview HERE. High level event on 15 November at the United Nations Vienna HERE (archived on UN WebTV). See the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime.
Report by BBC about Online Sexual Abuse of Children--Warning from BBC: "This story contains distressing details relating to extreme child abuse and suicide" (article HERE 11 November 2024). "Abuser in one of world’s biggest ever online child abuse cases jailed for life" (video 25 October 2024) Description of video: "A man from Northern Ireland has been given a life sentence with a minimum of 20 years in jail for the extreme online sexual abuse of children and the manslaughter of a 12-year-old girl. Alexander McCartney, 26, from County Armagh, admitted 185 charges - including more than 50 blackmail offences. Now one of the world's most prolific online child abusers, he created fake personas to target as many as 3,500 victims, aged 10 to 16, from more than 30 countries. He pleaded guilty to manslaughter after a 12-year-old girl from the United States, Cimarron Thomas, took her own life in 2018 while he was abusing her."
Featured Items--October 2024
Mexico: Indigenous Communities as Agents of Change in the Eradication of Human Trafficking UNDV (30 October 2024). "If nobody ever talks about it, then you never even know it exists.” Margarita Cruz, an indigenous activist from Mexico, says that human trafficking is largely unheard of in indigenous communities. “And if there is any information, it's certainly not in our native tongue," she adds. Margarita understands that the first crucial step in preventing this crime is raising awareness in a way that respects and understands cultural nuances. (opening quote from the story) More stories from UNODC for October and all of 2024 HERE
International Whistleblowing Research Network Conference, Oslo (20-21 June 2024)
Featured Items--September 2024
Global Justice and Human Trafficking: Towards a New Paradigm (24 September 2024)
Foundation Henry Dunant University College “Professor T. Pogge and Rev. Jose Nandhikkara from India discuss poverty and lack of social and economic development as well as the root causes of human trafficking, based on their experience and research.”
News and Stories from the UN Office on Drugs and Crime--Human Trafficking
--Rescuing Migrants and Cracking Down on Smugglers in the Mediterranean
(26 September 2024)
--How Widespread Are Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling in Latin America and the Caribbean?
(24 September 2024)
Featured Items--August 2024
Anti-Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Learning Hub
Joint Learning Initiative
See information below in the "More Resources" section
International Justice Mission
"Courageous survivors persevere through the darkest horrors to find hope and healing. "
Featured Items--July 2024
Like, Follow, Trafficked: Insta’s Fake Guru
BBC World Service Documentaries (15 Jul 2024)
"When two young Brazilian women were reported missing in September 2022, their families and the FBI launched a desperate search across the US to find them. All they knew was that they were living with wellness influencer Kat Torres. Torres has now been sentenced to eight years in prison for the human trafficking and slavery of one of those women. The BBC World Service has also been told that charges have been filed against her in relation to a second woman. How did the former model who partied with Leonardo DiCaprio and graced the cover of international magazines come to groom her followers and lure them into sexual exploitation?" (quote from BBC Eye Investigations (14 Jul 2024—short overview article)
Scam Artist or Human Trafficking Victim? Inside a Scam Farm (11 minute video)--The person on the line is not who you think. UNODC (10 July 2024). "Scams are causing damage worldwide, and spreading rapidly thanks to rapid technological developments. Following the trail of scam victims forward leads to stories of immense suffering—and so does following the trail backwards to the scammers, who engage in large-scale human trafficking, torture and enslavement so they can profit on the loss of others. Who is behind this trade in lies and deceit? How do they perpetrate their crimes? And how can they be stopped?
International Justice Mission ([IJM) Leader Sam Inocencio Receives Highest Anti-Trafficking Award from U.S. Government at TIP Report Release Event. IJM news report (24 June 2024). “Today, the U.S. Department of State released the 2024 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report, which evaluates countries’ efforts to create and implement policies that combat human trafficking. International Justice Mission (IJM) commends this significant effort to provide a clear picture of the scale and nature of human trafficking around the world and what governments are doing – or aren’t doing – to address this problem. Using a tier system, countries are assigned a rating for the success of their policies in reducing levels of human trafficking; these ratings shape future U.S. and multilateral foreign aid decisions. Alongside the TIP Report, the Department of State honors a group of individuals as TIP Report Heroes for their transformative work in the crucial endeavor to end human trafficking...”
Featured Items--June 2024
Integrity at All Costs, Global Integrity Network--hybrid conference in Toronto (1 June 2024)
The recordings are available at the above link (presentations, testimonies, and discussions).
Corruption is a Discipleship Problem, Robert Osburn, Christianity Today (article 20 June 2024)
"Six ways Christians often make the problem worse and five steps toward a solution."
Featured Items--May 2024
Protection Against Sexual Abuse, Exploitation, and, Harassment (PSEAH)--resources from the CHS Alliance
"The nature of humanitarian and development work means that staff are often in positions of power while helping people and communities in highly vulnerable situations. Employees in the sector must also be able to work in a safe, harassment-free environment. As an alliance of more than 200 aid organisations, we are committed to tackling all forms of mistreatment and misconduct, wherever they occur. Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH) is woven throughout the Nine Commitments of the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS)."
Note the CHS Alliance Harmonized Reporting Scheme on PSEAH (November 2023) (25 pages)
“The SEAH harmonised data collection and reporting scheme ("the Scheme") is an initiative led by the CHS Alliance and the Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response (SCHR), supported financially by the Foreign Commonwealth Development Fund (FCDO) which started in 2021. It aims to increase transparency on SEAH in the aid sector and harmonise SEAH data to support trend analyses and effective learning from aggregated and anonymised data. Members of the Scheme report twice a year on agreed-upon data fields into an online platform, where the data is aggregated and anonymised before being analysed in-depth to identify trends and patterns. The data reported includes no identifiable information, and is aggregated with that of other organisations to ensure all incidents are fully anonymised. This allows for trends to be shared in a safe way with enough detail to inform action. The trend analyses produced by the Scheme are valuable evidence to inform and improve policies, strategies, and actions for better SEAH risk mitigation, prevention, and response. They also allow for increased transparency, which, combined with better victim/survivor outcomes, are key to tackling under-reporting on SEAH in the aid sector.” (page 4)
Featured Items--April 2024
Human Rights, Education, and Empowerment Group. Winrock International
This is a program area within Winrock that "partners with national and local governments, civil society, the private sector and communities to ensure marginalized and at-risk populations can safely access their fundamental rights to freedom from trafficking and child labor, a quality education, and skills and opportunities for decent work. We engage and support our partners across this ecosystem to increase equity, inclusion and agency." Project examples include anti-trafficking work in Vietnam, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Cambodia nd other countries and collaborative efforts.
News Stories from the International Justice Mission--April 2024
Trauma-Informed Care Builds Resilience for Survivors of Human Trafficking and Violence (8 April 2024) International Justice Mission. “Trauma-informed care is a strengths-based framework grounded in an understanding of trauma and responsiveness to its impact. It emphasizes physical, psychological and emotional safety for providers and survivors and creates opportunities for survivors to rebuild a sense of control and empowerment.”
"How to Trace Complex Forms of Ownership and Control of Assets Related to ‘Kleptocrats’ and Sanctioned Entities." Kleptotrace, Transcrime, and Universita Cattolicà del Sacro Cuore (this conference is co-funded with the European Union). 8 April 2024--recording HERE. “The training is aimed at practitioners from public authorities (e.g. LEAs, AROs, FIUs) and the private sector (e.g. banks, professionals, corporate sector). Together with representatives from law enforcement and academic research, we focused on: Exploring the fundamentals of the EU and US OFAC sanctions regimes and their impact on asset control / asset ownership mechanisms; Presenting case studies of complex ownership structures used to facilitate high-level corruption and sanctions evasion; Discussing methods, data and tools available to public and private actors for asset tracing and sanction screening.”
International Conference Tackles Global Trends in Crimes Against Women (2 April 2024) International Justice Mission. “The conference sessions focused on critical topics: the reality and impact of violence against women, emerging trends seen in human trafficking, forced labor and online crimes against women, and available Indian and international laws, strategies and best practices to combat such crimes.”
Featured Items--March 2024
Detained, Trafficked, Exploited: The Plight of Lone Child Migrants Stranded in Tunisia
“Almost 1,500 unaccompanied children are stuck in the country, where many report being separated from parents, while globally the number of minors making journeys alone is rising.” Elizia Volkmann, The Guardian 11 (March 2024)
How Traffickers Lure Nigerians into Modern Slavery In Egypt
“Many Nigerians trafficked to Egypt to engage in forced labour are living in fear as authorities go after illegal immigrants. While victims are interested in returning home, their sponsors refuse to release their travel passports and threaten to implicate them.” Adejumo Kabir, Humangle (8 March 2024)
Catholic Sisters Working to Eradicate Human Trafficking
Special Online Event-Dialogue on 6 March 2024 (1230-1300 EST)
Sponsored by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs
and the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life at Georgetown University
International Prosecution Of Human Trafficking
1 Where Are We Now? Webinar #1 (16 Feb, 2021)
2 What Can Be Done? Webinar (23 Feb, 2021)
3 Best Practices? Webinar (02 Mar, 2021)
4 Demand As Root Cause for Human Trafficking (13 Apr, 2021
Featured Items--February 2024
True Freedom—Global Course Addressing Modern Slavery
The Clewer Initiative and the World Council of Churches
(February-March 2024) 50 pages of facts and reflections for advocacy and action
organised into six parts--for individuals and groups
10th International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Trafficking in Persons
8 February 2024
Featured Items--January 2024
21st International Anti-Corruption Conference--Transparency International
Confronting Global Treats--Standing Up for Integrity
(18-21 June 2024) Vilnius, Lithuania--You can register now and submit workshop proposals
Human Trafficking Preventative Strategies and Care of Victims Conference
Held at the United Nations in New York (11 January 2023)
Held at the United Nations in New York (11 January 2023)
Refugee Protection and Human Trafficking
Held at the United Nations in Geneva (11 December 2023)
More webinars HERE from Ad Laudate Si
More Resources for GID 2024
Global Report on Trafficking in Persons (2022) UNODC. "This 7th edition of the Global Report on Tracking in Persons captures our world at a fragile tipping point....As law enforcement and public services were under increasing strain, pandemic restrictions may have also driven some forms of tracking to more hidden locations, potentially increasing the dangers to victims and making it less likely they could come to the attention of the authorities. Overall, there is little evidence to suggest that the threat of this crime has diminished with the drop in detected victims, and many reasons to fear that Covid, crises, conicts and the climate emergency are escalating tracking risks. Moreover, the findings suggest that our institutions are too often failing to detect and protect tracking victims, and to give them justice. The global slowdown in the number of convictions for tracking in persons – decreasing since 2017 – further accelerated during the pandemic, falling in 2020 by an alarming 27 per cent over the previous year. More concerning still, a review of adjudicated trafficking cases in this Report found that most victims rescue themselves – instead of being proactively identified, they escaped exploitation by coming forward on their own. e analysis also found girls and women are three times more likely to subjected to explicit or extreme violence during trafficking compared to boys and men, and children overall are two times more likely to be subjected to violence than adults." (page 7)
Confronting the Corruption of Human Trafficking
Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities(JLI). “There are over 40 million victims of human trafficking worldwide. The annual cost of this exploitive industry totals a massive US$150 billion a year, with no country to escape the grips of this human rights tragedy. Alongside global efforts, local faith communities - with their widespread reach and unique community presence – are key assets in countering human trafficking. They play a role in prevention, protection, and prosecution, tenets of a holistic human trafficking response, by supporting the vulnerable, ensuring that systems are just for all and making perpetrators accountable.”
“[JLI's] Anti-Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery (AHT-MS) Hub is a learning community that brings together academics, policymakers and practitioners working on the contribution of faith actors to ending human trafficking and modern slavery. [It] is a collaborative platform that provides understanding for better practices in the effort to end human trafficking and modern slavery.” AHT-MS is one of the many hubs in JLI. See also: Faith and Freedom: The Role of Faith Actors in Anti-Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking (2019, scoping study) which explores “the programs and initiatives of local faith actors in their response to modern slavery and human trafficking in the Global South;” and the Resource Library.
Human Trafficking in Armed Conflicts and Post-Conflict Situations (27 March 2023, webinar recording). Side event during the Human Rights Council, United Nations Geneva. Subtitles in English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese HERE. Power point and other documents HERE. This is the latest international webinar on human trafficking in light of Laudate Sí and Fratelli Tutti (Encyclicals by Pope Francis). CO-organized by Caritas Internationalis, Secours Catholique-Caritas France, and the Sovereign Order of Malta. “Existing and emerging war conflicts (including, but not limited to, Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, Eritrea, and others) have led to a dramatic development of trafficking. In Europe, the war in Ukraine has contributed to revealing this phenomenon in the country itself, the border countries, and the host countries of people fleeing the fighting. Preventing conditions of trafficking of human beings in armed conflicts and supporting the victims is vital.”
Evil, Inc.–Trafficking Children for Sex. Global Integration Update (August 2023)
"God's children are not for sale." The Sound of Freedom (2023)
Human Trafficking and the Role of Local Governments (2014)
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols Thereto (2000-2004)
(traffick, trafficking, etc. occur 93 times)
Council of Europe Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings (2005)
A Summons to a Global Integrity Movement: Fighting Self-Deception and Corruption (March 2018), Kelly O'Donnell and Michele Lewis O'Donnell. Lausanne Global Analysis. Link to a copy with a translation tool for 50 languages HERE. 'In this article psychologists Kelly and Michele O'Donnell distill some of the lessons that they have learned over the past 15 years in promoting integrity and confronting corruption. Why is it hard to live up to our moral and ethical aspirations? They reflect on the reality of dysfunction and deviance, highlight the challenge of self-deception, describe anti-corruption resources, and summon the church-mission community (CMC) to a global integrity movement marked by righteousness and relevance. We are the light—or the darkness—of the world!' (adapted from the opening section)
Organizational Resources Related to GID 2024
25 Networks-Groups-Organizations (suggestions welcome)
Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
Angel Studios--The Sound of Freedom (film and resources)
Alliance against Trafficking in Persons
Fondation College Universitaire Henry Dunant
Global Hope Network International (GHNI)
Human Rights Watch (HRW) (search “human trafficking”)
Human Trafficking Search
International Justice Mission (IFM)
International Labor Organization (ILO)
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Joint Learning Initiative (JLI)
Lausanne Movement (search for “human trafficking”)
Love 146
The Clewer Initiative
United Nations Development Program (search for “human trafficking”)
United Nations Institute for Training and Research (search “human trafficking”)
United Nations Human Rights Office--Trafficking in Persons (more HERE)
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
US Department of State--Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons
Winrock International--see the program area for Human Rights, Education, and Empowerment
World Freedom Network (WEA and European Freedom Network)
World Vision International (search human trafficking)