We are grateful for the support of GID's initial endorsers below (2020-2022):
--Member Care Associates, Inc.
--Amy McConnell Franklin, PhD--Consultancy and Training
--Urban Mosaic
--Lausanne-WEA Integrity and Anti-Corruption Network
We are currently not seeking GID "endorsers" per se. Rather we are encouraging you--individuals, organizations, and networks--to participate in GID as a way to support integrity in your life/work and in our world. For example:
1. Review the GID Overview above and the overall website. Share your suggestions and ideas with us about further developing GID.
2. Send us core resources to add to the GID website in general or specifically related to the annual theme.
3. Include a short description and logo/link for GID on your website.
4. Spread the word about GID in advance of 9 June via social media and with your colleagues and networks.
5. Organise an event or webinar related to your organisation's purpose as it connects to GID's emphases around the time of GID on 9 June and/or UN Anti-Corruption Day on 9 December. We will then "spotlight" these events/webinars on the GID site to support your work and GID.
6. Probe further into a few resources on the GID site that are relevant for you personally and for your spheres of influence.
And especially important is to participate in this special day throughout the entire year by:
"a) cultivating lifestyles, cultures, and systems of integrity from the individual through the international levels;
b) joining together to understand and address the causes and consequences of corruption in its many forms; and
c) working towards just and equitable societies marked with wellbeing for all people and for the planet."